Why choose Sigvi?

We change the way you look at your car. Gone are the days when your car sat idle and cost you money. With Sigvi, you can effortlessly turn your car into a source of passive income.

  • Earn passive income every month by renting your car through Sigvi.
  • Sigvi takes care of all the logistics - from finding tenants to processing payments - so you can sit back and enjoy the extra cash flow.

The Sigvi platform provides car owners with real-time information on orders, earnings and revenue. You can see everything, but you don't have to worry about anything, because Sigvi does it.

Finding clients, drawing up contracts, invoicing, returning deposits, preparing the car for the next rental - that's what Sigvi does for you.

How much can I earn with Sigvi?

VW Polo
400 € /month
Škoda Octavia
550 € /month
VW Passat
600 € /month
Škoda Superb
900 € /month

Frequently asked

These are the questions we hear most often from our customers. If you have a question and you can't find the answer here - contact us

Kadangi automobilis važinės aktyviau nei įprastai, jam gali tekti dažniau atlikti techninį aptarnavimą. Rekomenduojame bent 6 mėnesių laikotarpį, per kurį pastebėsite automobilio teigiamą pajamų balansą.

Automobilio visą priežiūrą atlika Sigvi komanda. Po kiekvienos nuomos mes atidžiai apžiūrime automobilį, pasirūpiname, kad būtų reikiamas tepalų, aušinimo skysčio kiekis, pilnai pripūstos padangos. Jei reikalingas remontas, jį atlieka mūsų partneriai - Bosh "Kemi" automobilių servisai, todėl automobilis visada yra paruoštas ir tinkamai prižiūrėtas.

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